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Sun-Scorched Songs of Sorrow

The second of three themed EPs that will form my next album.

This one is about our relationship with the physical world: primarily the climate crisis, and the systems of capitalism that prevent us from tackling it.

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Long Low Light

A double B-side: two prog-folk songs with a sci-fi influence.

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Late Night Letters
The first of three installments of my next album. As part of the process of making the album, I'm releasing it as three themed EPs.

"I can say unreservedly that I’ve never heard music arranged and performed in quite this way before, and Bell’s facility with her instruments and her innate confidence in her material is a wonderful thing to witness."

Dino DiMuro, Pitch Perfect

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Invisible Threads
Three tracks which I thought worked together nicely as an EP. These were recorded during the process of writing my next album. Two didn't end up on the album, but one did...

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Single track – a new recording of this song that appeared on the Invisible Threads EP. Now with drums and electric guitar!

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"Roll As A Hexagon is a solid showcase of Bell's multi-instrumental talents and her impressive vocal timbre (a voice that contains equal parts grit and gloss, and calls to mind the rich twang of the likes of Nancy Kerr or Kate Bush). Moreover, it is a masterpiece of compositional creativity. Catchy riffs and soaring melodies go hand in hand with jaunty time signatures, satisfyingly unpredictable shifting harmonies, and lyrics of a beautiful clarity and quality."

Emily Crossland, composer

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